Saturday, December 24, 2016

Confession #22: The Christmas Edition

Confession #22:

With the people that matter the most, the thought is really all that counts.


Confession #20: Relationship Goals

Confession #20:
Relationship Goals:
“Be sure to have your own life (things that bring you joy, goals, and accomplishments) before you depend on someone else to bring you happiness.” The only person I can ABSOLUTELY COUNT ON to make me happy is myself. (A relationship with Christ has a lot to do with it too) Don’t lose yourself in a shallow relationship.

Confession #19: My Reaction to the Beyonce Formation Video

Confession #21

I'm sorry guys, perhaps the topic is getting a bit old, but I just keep running into real life situations where this issue comes up. This happened to me like a week or 2 ago.

Confession # 21: 
Black is beautiful and dark is too.